I bet it would be cool.
If you want people to look at you like you have four heads, tell them you live in a third world country, voluntarily. The majority of people who find out what I do for a living show me- either through facial expressions or their words that they are very surprised at what I am doing. Some people are excited and want to hear more. Some people make some crazy assumptions about Haiti and think I am some Mother Theresa-type living in some sort of mud hut. Some people think I am positively insane and write me off at that very moment. These statements are from Christians and non-christians alike. Doesn't that seem odd?
I found that surprising in the beginning- the idea that Christians are so often unsupportive of missions. This seems totally backwards right? When I first moved to Haiti I had a two year commitment. Many Christians that heard I was moving to Haiti were very focused on "two years". People told me things like; "You can do anything for two years, you will get through this" and "This experience will help you grow for when you return". As Christians doesn't this seem like the wrong mindset? These thoughts make it seem like I am doing this of my own strength, that I am doing this for the experience, or that it is all an elaborate plan to gain life experience to help me in America.
I don't tell you this to complain, or to make fun of people's reactions. Quite the opposite actually. What does this say about the Christian community that when we hear someone is moving to a third world country because she feels God calling her there- and she is seen as self-sacrificing, crazy, or simply out to get really good life experience? Why as Christians can we not just let God take the wheel? Why does it need to be more than: God told me to? Why are we always looking for the fine print as to why someone is truly doing something?
As Christians I challenge you to live in the moment for God. Live a life that I guided by Him alone. Live a life that people might not understand and be okay with that. It worries me how far we are from God that when someone wants to do something radical for God they are seen as weird. I think as Christians this is something that we need to work on. We should be supporting, encouraging, and praying for people with radical paths. We should encourage living in third world countries. We should encourage drastically changing things up when God says to. We should encourage others to live for Him- no matter how unorthodox it may seem.
Something else that is always a bit shocking to me is when people are supportive of me going, but make it very clear that they could never do that. That sure doesn't feel biblical. I am not someone who like grew up being trained to live with minimal electricity. I never took classes in how to bucket wash my clothes. I didn't speak multiple languages as a child. We aren't just "born ready". I wasn't someone who you would ever think could live in Haiti. I was a scared, confused, 23 year old with minimal understanding of the world and adult life in general. I was weak, sad, and naive. God chooses the least likely people, the people who don't make sense, the people who very literally couldn't do anything on their own to show that it is Him. God chooses the weak purposely to show that it is God doing the work. If this is a biblical truth (and I think it is) than God could just as likely choose you to move to Haiti. Choose you to take a risk. Choose you to do something totally 'crazy' for Him. People who are actively following God should have no problem doing whatever He says to do, no matter how messy, confusing, scary or weird it may be.
I am not saying that it is easy by any means. Following God's call to Haiti has been one of the most difficult things in my life. But It is my calling. God might be calling you to quit your job, move somewhere, change something, help someone. I can tell you something that I have learned over the past three years, God rarely calls to us from within our comfort zones. He calls to us from far to stretch us, help us grow and use us for His glory. Whats the secret to allowing that to happen? Being open to whatever He may call you to. Whatever. He. Calls. You. To. No more I'll do anything but..., I will go anywhere but... I will follow you but... No more of that.
Tell the Lord, I will do anything, anywhere, anytime, for however long you call me to. See what happens, I bet it will be cool.
I found that surprising in the beginning- the idea that Christians are so often unsupportive of missions. This seems totally backwards right? When I first moved to Haiti I had a two year commitment. Many Christians that heard I was moving to Haiti were very focused on "two years". People told me things like; "You can do anything for two years, you will get through this" and "This experience will help you grow for when you return". As Christians doesn't this seem like the wrong mindset? These thoughts make it seem like I am doing this of my own strength, that I am doing this for the experience, or that it is all an elaborate plan to gain life experience to help me in America.
I don't tell you this to complain, or to make fun of people's reactions. Quite the opposite actually. What does this say about the Christian community that when we hear someone is moving to a third world country because she feels God calling her there- and she is seen as self-sacrificing, crazy, or simply out to get really good life experience? Why as Christians can we not just let God take the wheel? Why does it need to be more than: God told me to? Why are we always looking for the fine print as to why someone is truly doing something?
As Christians I challenge you to live in the moment for God. Live a life that I guided by Him alone. Live a life that people might not understand and be okay with that. It worries me how far we are from God that when someone wants to do something radical for God they are seen as weird. I think as Christians this is something that we need to work on. We should be supporting, encouraging, and praying for people with radical paths. We should encourage living in third world countries. We should encourage drastically changing things up when God says to. We should encourage others to live for Him- no matter how unorthodox it may seem.
Something else that is always a bit shocking to me is when people are supportive of me going, but make it very clear that they could never do that. That sure doesn't feel biblical. I am not someone who like grew up being trained to live with minimal electricity. I never took classes in how to bucket wash my clothes. I didn't speak multiple languages as a child. We aren't just "born ready". I wasn't someone who you would ever think could live in Haiti. I was a scared, confused, 23 year old with minimal understanding of the world and adult life in general. I was weak, sad, and naive. God chooses the least likely people, the people who don't make sense, the people who very literally couldn't do anything on their own to show that it is Him. God chooses the weak purposely to show that it is God doing the work. If this is a biblical truth (and I think it is) than God could just as likely choose you to move to Haiti. Choose you to take a risk. Choose you to do something totally 'crazy' for Him. People who are actively following God should have no problem doing whatever He says to do, no matter how messy, confusing, scary or weird it may be.
I am not saying that it is easy by any means. Following God's call to Haiti has been one of the most difficult things in my life. But It is my calling. God might be calling you to quit your job, move somewhere, change something, help someone. I can tell you something that I have learned over the past three years, God rarely calls to us from within our comfort zones. He calls to us from far to stretch us, help us grow and use us for His glory. Whats the secret to allowing that to happen? Being open to whatever He may call you to. Whatever. He. Calls. You. To. No more I'll do anything but..., I will go anywhere but... I will follow you but... No more of that.
Tell the Lord, I will do anything, anywhere, anytime, for however long you call me to. See what happens, I bet it will be cool.
Great points! Glad you know what God has designed for you. (I get similar "I could never do that" reactions to being a nurse.)
ReplyDeleteWell put. (I respond from the evening heat of Port au Prince)