And for those kids...
I don’t know that I am cut out for America anymore. This seems like a weird idea to me being that I was only gone two months but I feel it is a serious concern. I am in the Dominican Republic now, not even in America yet, but I am seeing many things that I am now over thinking. Example: Electricity. I got totally used to not having electricity most of the time. Having power all of the time seems so unnecessary to me now. If I am asleep, or should be sleeping, I feel there is no real need to have power if I am not even using it. Also internet: I have been living on limited internet for a while now that the idea of mindlessly scrolling through Facebook no longer even seems amusing (words I am sure I never thought I would say…) I find myself considering internet for emails and catching up with people more so now then before. I am sure that I will feel this way about so many more things as I begin to immerse myself back into an American lifestyle, but it is odd to think I once found these things important.
It is funny how we become so accustomed to a place so quickly, and coming back to our former life seems so foreign. I was looking forward to many things as I knew I was coming back to America; hot showers, foods I missed, and a cooler climate. It sure shows how God has a sense of humor and puts us right back in our place when we think we know what we want. I took a hot shower and I could not have liked it less. I ate processed food and felt sick. And finally, I am absolutely freezing even while in the Dominican Republic that I am nervous for New England tomorrow. It is funny how all the things I was longing for, all of the reasons why I was happy to be traveling home (with the exception of seeing friends and family… Im beyond excited for that!) are now things I am struggling with. It is funny sometimes how God points a big florescent obvious arrow down at us and shows us, “this is where you belong, all those things you thought you needed: you don’t. All you need are those kids.” And for those kids, I will be returning to Haiti.
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