Phase 1.

God truly does give us exactly what we can handle. This is a theme that has stuck with me the past month and has gotten me through so many struggles. God knows exactly what we can handle and reveals things slowly to us in a very purposeful and calculated manner.
If you haven't heard- I have been accepted into full time ministry with Kids Alive International® Haiti! This is something that I am so excited about and feel that I have finally found my way onto the trail of breadcrumbs that God has been dropping for me for the past four years.
I am going to serve there as their team coordinator and youth counselor. This is something that I am so passionate about!
God has put people in my life even just in the last week to help me make sense of the fundraising process and my next steps as a missionary because he knows that I could not have handled this all on my own. As I prepare for trainings and conferences as well as meetings and interviews God is there in every step making sure that I know that his vision for me is clear.
I have lots of information and links to share so if you get a chance I would love you to check out some things! I have been so blessed to have an amazing group of people who are passionate about my missions to Haiti and who see what amazing work God is doing in Haiti with Kids Alive. I am so excited to have this opportunity to partner with you and for us to serve the Lord together in this mission!

Here are all my links:

MAILING LIST Here is the link to sign up for my mailing list. This link includes signing up for emails as well as snail mail mailings. If you would like to make sure that you receive all correspondence please fill out this quick form (literally 5 questions!) even if you think I have all your information it would be best to ensure everything is up to date!

MY DONATION PAGE  This is the link for making donations to my mission. If you are interested in making a financial donation to my account this would be the link to do that with. I will be in contact soon regarding finances, but check out the page if you get a chance. Please feel free to share this with people who want more information about Kids Alive, or my specific calling to Haiti.

FACE BOOK If you have Facebook and would like to receive updates that way then please 'like' A Love for Haiti on Facebook.

MY EMAIL Please feel free to email me at ANY TIME, with questions, comments, concerns- etc. This really is a mission that I firmly believe we are all going on together. The more people who reach out and want to be a vital part of this mission the more I see that God is in every single aspect of this journey. It is truly going to be an amazing experience to see how God uses all of you throughout everything!

Lets see what God has in store for us together!
Blessings- Cassidy


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