God has been putting a lot on my heart lately regarding my mission to Haiti. I have been reading, praying, preparing, studying and fundraising almost all day every day for the past month.

God has a deep love for orphans, an undying love. He has compassion and grace for the orphaned. He has entrusted me with a task that is so near and dear to him. This fact is not lost on me. I read the word and see how God feels about orphans and the poor and feel the magnitude of my
ministry. There is great work being done at Kids Alive Haiti and I am honored that the Lord can use me for a bit of that good.
Please, if you haven't yet, take the time to read about Kids Alive International (The Organization that I am working for in Haiti- KIDS ALIVE). There is a unique way that Kids Alive addresses orphan care- Godly homes with Christian parents. This is why I love Kids Alive so much. I am reading a book titled: In Pursuit of Orphan Excellence by: Philip Darke. This book is discussing how often times we think if orphans have a roof over their heads, food and clothing that we are giving them enough- or that it was more than they had before so they are fine. This seems to be the mindset of many people, at least on a subconscious level. We should be striving for greatness for these children. They have been through more than we can imagine and have dealt with issues in their short lives that many Americans will never experience through their entire lives. When dealing with orphan care we need to ask ourselves one important question: If this was my own child, would this be good enough?
These orphans are God's children. He wants the best for each and every one of them. That means a roof over their heads, loving parents, education, health care, clothing, food, clean water and someone to share the love of Jesus Christ with them. This is what Kids Alive is providing. And this, is what I get the opportunity to be apart of.
I am so blessed to be able to do this work, but I cannot do it alone. If you feel inclined to become a prayer partner or a financial supporter of my ministry I have included my support link: Support Cassidy! Also, please click the following link if you would like to receive updates when I am in Haiti so that you can be up to date on prayer requests and see what God is doing in Haiti. updates! I thank you for taking the time to read about my mission and for praying over how God may use you, to help save his orphaned children.
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