Often times I need to go through hard times to really appreciate what God has given me and what I have made it through. It is sadly not the norm for me to necessarily notice God working when things are going very well. This is something that I struggle with, and attempt to improve at. I want to to pay God the thankfulness and total awestruck amazement that He so truly deserves in the bad times AND the good times.
I was very nervous coming to CIT (Center International Training) because I felt like it was yet another hurdle that I had to work with. I saw it as a challenge and a struggle. I did not embrace it for what God meant to to be; which is a time of fellowship and growth. I see how God changed my heart starting just on the flight down here to North Carolina. I was negative and didn't really want to leave home or go out into a new environment unless it was to Haiti. I dislike change and was grumpy with the idea of adding another stop of 'change' on "my desired journey".
My desired journey was just the issue. This was my mind set. Then (with no events to make this happen- simply, by God's amazing will) my mind set flipped and I realized I had been viewing things wrong. This is not at all my journey, and my desires are not what has gotten me this far. All of this is God's doing and He has big plans for me here at CIT. I have been learning more than I had thought I would and expanding my horizons and thoughts. The people here are a wealth of knowledge and the community is strong. I have been exposed to new cultures and ideas and we are only on day three! I can't even fathom what God will do in six weeks!
So it may have taken me longer to realize than it should have (as per usual) but it was God's will for me to come here. It is not a "pit-stop" as I saw it, but a main event in itself. There is work being done here, amazing work by the Lord, and it was necessary for me to see that. Does it make me long for Haiti more than ever? Yes. Does it make me sad that now I have a new environment that I will need to leave that I have grown accustomed to? Sure. Do I feel that I am directly in God's will? Absolutely. And that is where I pray I stay, forever. God is at work in me, big time! And I personally, could not be more excited about it.
I was very nervous coming to CIT (Center International Training) because I felt like it was yet another hurdle that I had to work with. I saw it as a challenge and a struggle. I did not embrace it for what God meant to to be; which is a time of fellowship and growth. I see how God changed my heart starting just on the flight down here to North Carolina. I was negative and didn't really want to leave home or go out into a new environment unless it was to Haiti. I dislike change and was grumpy with the idea of adding another stop of 'change' on "my desired journey".
My desired journey was just the issue. This was my mind set. Then (with no events to make this happen- simply, by God's amazing will) my mind set flipped and I realized I had been viewing things wrong. This is not at all my journey, and my desires are not what has gotten me this far. All of this is God's doing and He has big plans for me here at CIT. I have been learning more than I had thought I would and expanding my horizons and thoughts. The people here are a wealth of knowledge and the community is strong. I have been exposed to new cultures and ideas and we are only on day three! I can't even fathom what God will do in six weeks!
So it may have taken me longer to realize than it should have (as per usual) but it was God's will for me to come here. It is not a "pit-stop" as I saw it, but a main event in itself. There is work being done here, amazing work by the Lord, and it was necessary for me to see that. Does it make me long for Haiti more than ever? Yes. Does it make me sad that now I have a new environment that I will need to leave that I have grown accustomed to? Sure. Do I feel that I am directly in God's will? Absolutely. And that is where I pray I stay, forever. God is at work in me, big time! And I personally, could not be more excited about it.
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