Step out in Faith
I strongly believe that if you step out in faith, God will not let you fall. If you hear the Lord call you to something and say, "yeah I have no idea how to do what you're asking, what that would look like or what to do next.. But I will follow you there, Jesus" THAT is where the amazing stuff begins. It is THERE that you will experience more joy, comfort and a childlike love for the Lord than ever before.
If I ever feel like I don't feel God, or feel God isn't orchestrating my life, I just take a breath and think about the last few years of my life.
I went to Haiti by chance, merely for adventure, and the Lord saved me.
I had a knack for a random little language used on this small island.
There was a random pull to change my major from Political Science to Psychology, without me really understanding why (now I see that I needed a psychology background to be a counselor)
The Lord removed everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, that I had ever brought to Him as an excuse as to why I couldn't go to Haiti.
Fundraising, support, prayer, friendship and love have been more than abundant throughout this process in just the right times, when I really needed it..
and the list goes on and on....
Five years ago I was a non-believer, who thought she would be a lawyer, living for herself. Who really didn't care too much about others. I was a girl who based success on material items, and put a lot of pressure on myself to achieve the same. I never felt like I was connected to others. I had everything I thought I wanted and lived in a small bubble.
Five years later, I am a lover of the Lord. I am a missionary, and want to do whatever Jesus calls. I feel a pull and a love towards others. I am no where near perfect and content in that because I know and feel that God loves me regardless of my actions. I feel an unconditional warmth instead of operating as though I am separate from everyone else. I have nothing I thought I ever wanted, and everything I know God had planned for me.
I share these things with you not to say "oh look how great I am.." I share these things with you to say OH LOOK HOW GREAT JESUS IS. Look what He has done. He took me and radically changed my life, and He could do the same for you. I have transformed completely, and to think this is in any way a product of my own work would be unrealistic and even silly. I know it may be hard but I bet if you let go of your life and give to it Jesus, just step out in that leap of faith and trust Him- you will look back in a few years too and just drop to your knees, awestruck, because you know there is no way you got here on your own.
If I ever feel like I don't feel God, or feel God isn't orchestrating my life, I just take a breath and think about the last few years of my life.
I went to Haiti by chance, merely for adventure, and the Lord saved me.
I had a knack for a random little language used on this small island.
There was a random pull to change my major from Political Science to Psychology, without me really understanding why (now I see that I needed a psychology background to be a counselor)
The Lord removed everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, that I had ever brought to Him as an excuse as to why I couldn't go to Haiti.
Fundraising, support, prayer, friendship and love have been more than abundant throughout this process in just the right times, when I really needed it..
and the list goes on and on....
Five years ago I was a non-believer, who thought she would be a lawyer, living for herself. Who really didn't care too much about others. I was a girl who based success on material items, and put a lot of pressure on myself to achieve the same. I never felt like I was connected to others. I had everything I thought I wanted and lived in a small bubble.
Five years later, I am a lover of the Lord. I am a missionary, and want to do whatever Jesus calls. I feel a pull and a love towards others. I am no where near perfect and content in that because I know and feel that God loves me regardless of my actions. I feel an unconditional warmth instead of operating as though I am separate from everyone else. I have nothing I thought I ever wanted, and everything I know God had planned for me.
I share these things with you not to say "oh look how great I am.." I share these things with you to say OH LOOK HOW GREAT JESUS IS. Look what He has done. He took me and radically changed my life, and He could do the same for you. I have transformed completely, and to think this is in any way a product of my own work would be unrealistic and even silly. I know it may be hard but I bet if you let go of your life and give to it Jesus, just step out in that leap of faith and trust Him- you will look back in a few years too and just drop to your knees, awestruck, because you know there is no way you got here on your own.
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