the Center of the World

You are not the center of the world. 
This may seem like a stupid statement to many, but to some it may ring as untrue. 
Spoiler alert: it is true, and it is time that people realize that. 
This may come across as blunt and even rude to some people but I am a firm believer that we don't get anywhere quickly by sugar coating our issues. I can also promise you Jesus was not one for sugar coating. 

As Americans often times we feel burdened to make a difference. I believe that America needs to knock down the white picket fence way of thinking and start demanding change. We as Christians need to start seeing the needs of others and asking ourselves what we can do. We have been trying to protect ourselves for too long. We are too caught up in financial security, safety and a “perfect life” that we have been brain washed by this American Dream. God called people away from their families because to Him it is a bigger picture. Now I am not saying abandon your spouse and children. (Thats actually very much against what I think God would want) However what I am saying is, don’t let the idea of doing everything “right” keep you in the comfortable straight jacket that the world often puts us in. Don't let the world win by persuading you not to make waves that could effect your comfort, security or perceived safety. God has promised us eternity but he never promised us the plasma screen TV, the gorgeous wardrobe, the Netflix marathons, or the elaborate vacations. He promises eternal life, but in return we need to follow Him. Realize that you have lived a life that has financial security, the comforts of (at least) three meals a day and personal security and this is not a luxury everyone is participating in. Don't let that shackle you, let it propel you. Allow it to propel you forward to fighting for those who are struggling to live, struggling to meet their basic needs and struggling to see the God in all of this mess. 

While you may not consciously believe that you are the center of the world, ask yourself if you are acting like it? Are you living your life in such a way that is actively proving your thoughts and love go out further than to just you and your loved ones? Are you acting in such a way that is proof that we as Christians were given the task to love EVERYONE? 

Let me define the word everyone for the purpose of this blog so that we all feel that we are on the same page. Everyone: every single human being on this planet. 

There are no exceptions to this in the bible. There is no love everyone, but you can just ignore the people who you don't actively see.  There is no love everyone, but forget the ones who disagree with your political opinions. There is no love everyone, except those stubborn teenagers. There is no love everyone, except those elderly folks who are stuck in the old times. There is no love everyone, except those silly kids who aren't old enough to understand. There is no love everyone, but… but nothing. 

This following sentence seems simple but is really a kicker when you get down to it; 
Love everyone, just as Jesus did and does. 

We cannot let our humanly comforts keep us from going out and doing this. We cannot get too comfortable and complacent with this world that we forget our very task. We cannot let the enemy win. Let me tell you every time you put an earthly comfort over someone else’s basic needs Satan is just laughing to himself, because he has done it again. He has made helping others seem like a task for someone else. Let me tell you, that is a blatant lie. It is your task. It is my task. It is our task to share as Christians. If you think someone else is already doing it, assume you’re wrong. If you think that person doesn’t really seem like they need help, if God is calling to you them; assume you are wrong. 

Stand up. Create change. Love one another. Make a difference. Do everything you can so that when you lay down at night you can say, “We are definitely not living in a perfect eternity yet, but wow did God sure use me today to advance the Kingdom!” Then, wake up the next day and bring it one step further. Now that, is a God centered world. 


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