drive that car, girl.
We had a party at Kids Alive to promote the new name of Kids Alive Canada. Their new name is Hope Story. I was asking the kids what some of their hopes were so that we could take pictures of them with a chalk board describing their hope. This little girl came up to me and said that she had wanted to participate. She asked me, "can it be anything?" Many kids before her had said their hopes were to go to college or to be (insert profession here) when they grow up.. I smiled and said "Of course, no matter how big or small what is your dream?" Her face lit up and she said, "I want to learn to drive!". This may seem insignificant to you, but in Haiti it is not. I don't have any statistics for you, but I can count on one hand the number of women I have met who can drive here. Haitian culture can be very segregated in what is "normal" for men and for women. Driving is something that is normally for a man.
This little face pictured above is a face of empowerment. She is a girl who thinks outside of the lines that society often draws for us. She is a role model to me, and I think she could be a role model for many other girls.
Everyone has things that society takes from them. There are limits that we put on ourselves, often times without even knowing. Often times we feel the societal pressures on us and just calmly sit in the boxes that we are supposed to be in. We tell ourselves little things that society has been putting in our heads that are not at all true. "I cannot work as a (insert whatever masculine profession here) because that is for men!" " I am not strong enough to do..." "I am a girl, I cant...."
We should be working on being our best selves. We should be people who are blindly following our calling in life, not being limited by glass ceilings we are imposing on ourselves.
This is a really awesome time for Haiti, because times are changing. Women are learning to drive. Women are going to school.
Everyone has a life plan. There is something that God has planned for you. It is something exciting to you and something that will challenge you. It could be absolutely anything. It could be learning to drive. It could be moving to a different country. It could be raising a beautiful family. It could be growing up to be a doctor. It could be anything.
God is not putting these limitations on us, society is. Let us not be limited by how society consolidates us.
We need to know that we are worth it, we are strong, we are intelligent and we can do whatever it is God has in store for us, because He will sustain us. He will provide for the plan He has for us.
If there is anything that this little girl has taught me, its to not let anyone stifle the fire that God puts in your heart, no matter how obscure it may seem. We are all created for a unique purpose and we are all created to do great things. We make the choice if we follow this great calling. We make the choice if we are brave enough to see what is in store for us.
Be brave. Be bold. Be courageous.
For the Lord.
Get out there girl, go learn to drive that car.
Because you're strong. You're beautiful. You're who God created you to be.
If you feel in your heart that God wants you driving that car, don't let society tell you otherwise.
Be you, the you that God created.
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