Happy Mother's Day
When I think of someone who is always there for me regardless, my mother comes to mind first. She is an inspiration, a support and a voice of reason to me. People often ask me what my parents think of me being here. Their faces often show an expression of shock when I tell them that my parents want me to be in Haiti, that they encourage me to be here.
Never once have my parents said that Haiti is too far, or maybe I shouldn't go, or its too dangerous. Never once have they discouraged me.
People are surprised that my mom isn't scared or that she isn't uncomfortable.
People are confused when I say she comes and stays for a weekend and sleeps on my floor.
People look at me silly when I say that my mom is down for anything and one of the most flexible, easy going people I know.
My Haitian friends have smiled watching my mom as she ventures into communities unknown.
My Haitian friends have called my mother Mom as she holds their baby.
My Haitian friends have sought out my Mom to ask her advice.
My Haitian friends have had their hearts filled as she enjoys their home cooked Haitian food.
We say that God calls us to the mission field, you know who else he calls? Our mothers. My mother was called to be a mother of a missionary the same way that I was called to be a missionary. She was called to have her daughter live in another world, and for her to connect to that world as well. I know she was called to this by how well she does it.
She doesn't blink when someone shows her an open wound looking for advice.
She'll fly anywhere to meet me for my birthday.
She'll fly anywhere to meet me for my birthday.
She doesn't ignore my fifth call of the day asking for her to google random questions for me.
She doesn't mind hoping on a plane for a two day trip to a third world country.
She doesn't agree with me when I say life is too hard here, but instead she encourages me, guides me and tells me to keep my chin up- that I am staying.
All too often people don't realize it takes a village to be a missionary.
It takes the missionary themselves, the family behind them and the family that they are going to.
God has put a wonderful mother behind me to cheer me on and support me every day.
Thank you Mom for all that you do, have done and will do.
I wouldn't be in Haiti if you didn't bring me here seven years ago.
I love that we can share this beautiful country.
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