The ultimate IT repair

God fixed my computer today.

Americans are practical people. We like to understand why things happen and have reasons for everything. Sometimes there is no logical explanation, it is simply God. Living in Haiti the past few years I have been pushed to the limits of situations. I have been in situations that only God could resolve. I have heard the Holy Spirit speak to me and my mindset has been changed.

If you came up to me five years ago and told me to pray for my computer I would have thought you were nuts. I would have thought you had a loose grip on reality. I would have thought I was burdening God with silly issues, and things that are unimportant. Something I have learned in the last few years, but more specifically the last few months is this is not true. Pray about everything. God wants us to depend on Him and do nothing of our own strength.

I've been praying over my computer the last few weeks because it has had some issues. If you know me, you know I am a snob and love my MacBook Pro. It is always with me, and I have never turned it off for any period of time (I know this is wrong, I knowingly go against all IT advice... sorry). For the past month or so it has been thinking it has been saying it is charging even when it isn't plugged in and has been getting really hot. Needless to say, my little buddy needed some prayer (stay with me, I promise there is a point here somewhere). I prayed over my laptop. As weird as that sounds, I prayed for it to 'get better' and stay strong so I could keep editing photos, writing newsletters, working and doing my grad school classes. Nothing had been changing and I started to accept that I would need to make the dreaded trip to the Apple store Genius Bar in December when I am home- inevitably leading to fees and headaches. But no, God fixed my laptop today. It has not been overheating, it doesn't think it is charging and it is working normally again.

Now, I assume you are asking- "Cassidy, what is the point of this little story? What are you even talking about??" I am talking about GIVING GOD CREDIT. I get that there could be some sort of technical thing that happened in my computer, some reason it is better now. But I need to acknowledge that God was in control of this. So often we pray for things that seem minor (or major) and then don't attribute any of the GLORY TO GOD when He answers our prayers.

I am going to offer you an idea to try to implement in your life- when you pray for really specific things, write them in a prayer journal and then when your prayers are answered mark that in the journal and then PRAY AGAIN TO SAY THANK YOU. So often we pray for healing- and then never praise God when we are healed. Or we pray for a situation to work out and then forgot that God  had His hand on the situation when it goes well. We are such fickle little children who want God in the hard times but then take all the credit when things go well. STOP DOING THIS. Praise the Lord when He hears your cries. Praise the Lord when He answers your prayers. Praise the Lord when things work out, because choosing to explain things away is a lack of faith. God fixes laptops. God clears traffic. God heals the sick. God brings calmness. God connects us to others. God is there no matter how big or small the issue is. We need to be grateful and do our part to acknowledge His grace, comfort, support, healing, and His presence. We need to say thank you and share what He has done that is great.

Today, God fixed my computer. THANKS BE TO GOD.


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