Easter Series- My Last Meal

I love the season of Easter. I think it is my favorite holiday. I especially love the lessons and symbolism within Good Friday and the Thursday before Easter. This is a short blog series, called Easter. It is to reflect on some of the awesome symbolism and lessons that are less obvious in such a beautiful, meaningful holiday.

I saw a post on instagram today buy one of my favorite authors, Bob Goff. It is below: 

"If I had just one last meal, I wouldn't spend it with a person I knew would betray me" 

Wow. This struck me, and showed me how human we really are and how fabulous Jesus really is. 

If you told me I would die tomorrow I would want my parents, my brothers, my boyfriend, my kids here, my grandparents, my friends and family around me (probably my cat too). But I wouldn't for a second want someone who I know will betray me with me for my last meal. Not even for a second. 

When I process through this, it shows just how Jesus wants us to live. Live everyday like it is your last, and spend it in love. Loving those who are easier to hate. Loving those who never listen. Loving those who maybe have (or will in this case) done you wrong. 

Jesus could have hand picked disciples he liked best and spent his day with them. He could have spent the whole day alone without anyone bothering him. He could have done whatever He wanted. But what did He choose? The presence of someone who would deceive Him, sending Him to his death. The presence of one who would deny Him. The presence of those who would doubt Him. 
My, my, my do I have a far way to come in being like Jesus. But these lessons, these examples I pray that they chisel away at your heart as they do mine. I pray that your eyes are opened and your heart feels just how far we are from the perfection and the love that Jesus displays. Let us not be upset at our imperfections but learn from them and grow. 
Find something you can do today on this Thursday before Easter to express love. To follow in Jesus' shadow as He takes up a cross that He carried not for himself, but for you. I pray that you take time to fully absorb what Jesus has done for you. I pray that over this Easter weekend you sit with people you know will betray you but your heart is happy, and your mind is still because we are running towards the kingdom of God. 


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