What you bring is what you find.
I spent a few days in the states this week. I stayed with my grandparents and family friends. The woman that I stayed with is like another grandma to me. She gave me my middle name, and much more since. I loved sitting with her and hearing her stories. She told me a story that really resonated with me and I haven't been able to get it out of my thoughts.
She was moving across the country. It was just her and her husband. She was nervous. They were at an open house looking at homes. She came across an older woman, and they chatted as they walked through the open house. She had mentioned to the older woman that she was a bit concerned about meeting new people here, starting a new life. They separated from the older woman at some point through the open house and ended up going back to their car. She heard a tap at the window and turned to see the old woman. She rolled down the window and the woman said to her, "Don't ever forget what I am about to tell you, what you bring is what you will find"
Thats so true isn't it? In any given situation, you usually find whatever you bring to the situation. If you come in with an attitude of fear and solitude, that is what you will experience. If you come into a situation with joy and happiness, you will find that too. This is such a simple, yet life changing thought. If you are expecting something from a situation enter with that. To find joy, you must bring at least a little with you.
This is my new task I am offering to you. Every day right when you wake up, while you are still sleepy and your thoughts are still clearest, without anxiety, stress and to-do lists. Think about what you want to find in that day. What do you want to encounter? Now that is what you are going to bring with you.
You want to find joy? Bring joy into the situation. Make people laugh, see the small things that make you happy. I can almost guarantee it will just escalate from there.
You want to find peace? Bring your own peace, deep breaths, small smiles, calming words. You will find them in return more times than not.
You want to find comfort? Bring some with you, comfort those you encounter and that will comfort you too.
You want to find community? Bring it! Invite others to commune with you, be a host, be a friend.
I realized a lot of the days that I find anxiety, stress and frustration in the day, I woke up with it and brought it with me! The day didn't create any more anxiety necessarily but I sure brought it with me and then saw it more and more at every turn.
If we want to change what we are finding, we must start with what we are bringing.
Now, don't ever forget what I am about to tell you. Whatever you bring, that is what you will find.
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