Open that box.

Have you ever taken some time and looked at your life and asked how much of your life is in your hands? How much are you controlling and how much have you entrusted to God? Do you have those one or two things that you say are "off limits" to God, that you don't actually trust Him with? I think a lot of us fall into this trap of thinking that we are devoted followers, without actually following Him. We "trust" Him, if. If He keeps us in the States, If He provides a spouse, If He keeps us financially stable, If He protects our loved ones.
I think that a lot of us play the "if" game without really realizing that we are doing it. Just consider this what if, you put all of this in God's hands? What if you gave all your cares and worries over to the creator of it all? What if, you entrusted your most valuable loves with the one who loved us first? I am going out on a limb here, but I think that then, you may experience true faith.
Faith that has no limits, has no boundaries, has no topic that we don't discuss, that has no hesitation.
Maybe it would clear your mind of the bricks that are between you and God that you put up to protect these things that you have set apart from God. They are things that you have set as restricted to the God who controls everything.
This has been something on my heart lately. There are these things that I had been putting in a little box saying, God I will do your will, but  please just let me have a, b and c. God showed me the other day that I need to actually give him everything. That means I don't need to worry, I don't need to stress, I don't need to run around in circles without Him.
God has been showing me that it is crucial to just surrender to Him fully. I think this is something He wants me to share with you too. We all have our things that we keep in a restricted area that is "off limits". What if today you removed the lid to that box? Give it to God, and if you truly can't, pray about what you can do to get to the point that you can. Trust me, coming from a girl who drags her heels, and does not hand things over well- its safer in God's hands. He has great plans for you, but you need to give Him absolutely everything.


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