sadness, but so much cuteness.

I have left Haiti and could not be sadder. I feel as though I left a giant piece of my heart with those kids and cannot wait another second to return. I will post another post later, but to brighten up my day I figured I would post a blog post with some of the cutest pictures I could find of these little nuggets! Suppressing my sadness with cuteness! - Cassidy
These two cuties are Chnider and Lovefindia ("Love" for short) They just moved to the site this week and are already feeling at home. They have a little pack with the other babies and they run around causing trouble... but they are so cute so its okay! 

Another of Chnider, he is just too cute!

These are Edly and Ederly. Edly is on the left and Ederly on the right. They are two of the cutest twins ever. They have made it a habit of both sleeping on me at the same time during our service every Friday. 
Here is some of that pack of trouble makers.. Alex, Chnider, Love and Naella. Too cute! 

Finally Ederly doing his craft for sponsorship! 

I know these little cuties brighten up my day- Hopefully they do the same for you all. 


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